Become A Certified EFT Tapping Coach!

Skyrocket Your Coaching Business In As Little As 30 Days

Increase The Value of Your Coaching Offers, Get Your Clients Faster Results, Powerful Breakthroughs, & Dramatic Transformations With EFT Tapping

Plus, Get LIVE COACHING, ON-DEMAND TRAINING Tools, Templates, and 24 Hour Community Support

Most coaches start charging in the thousands for this kind of training, and there aren't many monthly options with a guarantee!

However, we decided to create comprehensive EFT training with full support that every coach can afford and see a positive return after just one session. Take advantage of this early bird offer.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!

You know something is missing in your coaching toolbox because you struggle to get your clients the results that keep them coming back for more…

If you want to help all your clients go deeper so they consistently get a lasting transformation much faster, then this is for you.

Here is the uncomfortable truth,

You can only heal your clients as far as you’ve healed yourself.

Coaches also need coaches… Real talk 👊

Once you find your next level of success you can help your clients find theirs.

Does This Sound Familiar?

You know something is missing in your coaching toolbox. Although you

get good results for your clients, something is missing.

That could be because of 2 things:

You are attempting to help your clients heal in ways that still feel traumatic or still unresolved within you as a coach.

You are attempting to help your clients heal in ways that still feel traumatic or still unresolved within you as a coach.

You’re an expert in your field but just need more efficient tools to help your clients experience massive breakthroughs that last.

You’re an expert in your field but just need more efficient tools to help your clients experience massive breakthroughs that last.

Here is what’s been happening to many

business coaches, mindset coaches,

and health/wellness coaches…

You’ve been feeling inadequate when it's time to help your clients get lasting results.

You feel triggered when the things you’re trying to help your clients heal are the same things you struggle with.

Clients get great results, and then they backslide.

Clients leave the session highly motivated but don't follow through on the beautiful plan that was laid out; you wonder what happened and begin to blame yourself.

Your hourly rate gets diluted because you feel the need to “over-deliver” and give tons of support in between sessions.

You prepare well for sessions and pour your heart into your courses, but you never feel like enough when it’s time to deliver.

It’s hard to even say your prices.

Procrastination is starting to feel like your middle name.

You doubt yourself more than you trust yourself.

You have all the technical know-how, but the emotional & mindset blocks keep you from moving forward.

OMG… The list goes on, and you are exhausted and

feel like giving up.

But Don’t...

Here is what’s been happening to many business coaches, mindset coaches, and health/wellness coaches…

You’ve been feeling inadequate when it's time to help your clients get lasting results.

You feel triggered when the things you’re trying to help your clients heal are the same things you struggle with.

Clients get great results, and then they backslide.

Clients leave the session highly motivated but don't follow through on the beautiful plan that was laid out; you wonder what happened and begin to blame yourself.

Your hourly rate gets diluted because you feel the need to “over-deliver” and give tons of support in between sessions.

You prepare well for sessions and pour your heart into your courses, but you never feel like enough when it’s time to deliver.

It’s hard to even say your prices.

Procrastination is starting to feel like your middle name.

You doubt yourself more than you trust yourself.

You have all the technical know-how, but the emotional & mindset blocks keep you from moving forward.

OMG… The list goes on, and you are exhausted and

feel like giving up.

But Don’t...

The Tapping Academy For Coaches is a proven signature process that helps you become a Confident Coach who gets RESULTS, Period!

We have NO DOUBT that adding EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to your coaching practice will help you:

Introduce a proven tool to help your clients get IMMEDIATE results.

Grow a solid authentic coaching business with confidence and self-trust.

Clear negative energy so you attract your ideal clients who are an amazing fit for your business.

Heal your own traumas that keep you stuck and doubting yourself.

Break the glass ceiling so you make more money with ease.

Enjoy the process of building or growing your coaching business without feeling stressed out.

Create powerful transformations and see amazing results.

​Work on your own terms and schedule,​ without sacrificing what is most important to you.

And Most Importantly, ​Have A Definite Way To

Know and Measure Your Clients’ Success.

(They will know and see their success, too.)

The Tapping Academy For Coaches is a proven signature process that helps you become a Confident Coach who gets RESULTS, Period!

We have NO DOUBT that adding EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to your coaching practice will help you:

Introduce a proven tool to help your clients get IMMEDIATE results.

Grow a solid authentic coaching business with confidence and self-trust.

Clear negative energy so you attract your ideal clients who are an amazing fit for your business.

Heal your own traumas that keep you stuck and doubting yourself.

Break the glass ceiling so you make more money with ease.

Enjoy the process of building or growing your coaching business without feeling stressed out.

Create powerful transformations and see amazing results.

​Work on your own terms and schedule, ​ without sacrificing what is most important to you.

And Most Importantly, ​Have A Definite Way To

Know and Measure Your Clients’ Success.

(They will know and see their success, too.)

As a coach and business owner I have been

through my share of ups and downs...

As a coach and business owner I have been

through my share of ups and downs...

Hello I'm Jason,

I am a husband and father and have been a coach for over 20 years. At the beginning of my career, I was so excited to coach. People would come to me for help, and it felt amazing! But as time passed, I found it was much harder than I imagined.

Although my clients were having powerful aha moments and breakthroughs, when I looked back over months of working together, there wasn't a lot of transformation happening. It was like I was treating the symptoms, and even when I found the root cause, I didn't have the tools to resolve the issue.

So I started searching for something...more. I took course after course, trying to figure out what was missing. After a while, I started to think that the problem was me. The more frustrated and discouraged I was, the more desperate I became to find the answer. I had developed a really bad case of shiny object syndrome, and it was costing me so much time, energy, and money!

Everything changed when I found EFT. When I started using it on myself, my confidence started to grow. I was told my binge eating was an addiction I would be fighting for the rest of my life, but as I started to heal my relationship with food, my binging completely stopped.

I also started to heal my relationship with money. The deeper I healed, the better I became, and my life started to change before my eyes.

This sparked a fire in me to share EFT Tapping with anyone and everyone who would listen. I started watching my clients have life-altering transformations, and as my success grew, other coaches started to approach me to teach them what I was doing.

That started me on my path to create this coach training program.

Hello I'm Jason,

I am a husband and father and have been a coach for over 20 years. At the beginning of my career, I was so excited to coach. People would come to me for help, and it felt amazing! But as time passed, I found it was much harder than I imagined.

Although my clients were having powerful aha moments and breakthroughs, when I looked back over months of working together, there wasn't a lot of transformation happening. It was like I was treating the symptoms, and even when I found the root cause, I didn't have the tools to resolve the issue.

So I started searching for something...more. I took course after course, trying to figure out what was missing. After a while, I started to think that the problem was me. The more frustrated and discouraged I was, the more desperate I became to find the answer. I had developed a really bad case of shiny object syndrome, and it was costing me so much time, energy, and money!

Everything changed when I found EFT. When I started using it on myself, my confidence started to grow. I was told my binge eating was an addiction I would be fighting for the rest of my life, but as I started to heal my relationship with food, my binging completely stopped.

I also started to heal my relationship with money. The deeper I healed, the better I became, and my life started to change before my eyes.

This sparked a fire in me to share EFT Tapping with anyone and everyone who would listen. I started watching my clients have life-altering transformations, and as my success grew, other coaches started to approach me to teach them what I was doing.

That started me on my path to create this coach training program.

After purchasing my fair share of products

and coaching courses ranging from

$7 to $20,000, I realized 2 things:

Coaches MUST do their own deep inner work before they can expect their clients to do their deep inner work. (We can only take them as far as we’ve healed/grown ourselves)

Coaches need a powerful mind/body/brain energy-shifting tool like EFT Tapping to integrate into their coaching practice for deeper healing.

Coaches MUST do their own deep inner work before they can expect their clients to do their deep inner work. (We can only take them as far as we’ve healed/grown ourselves)

Coaches need a powerful mind/body/brain energy-shifting tool like EFT Tapping to integrate into their coaching practice for deeper healing.

And that’s when I really dialed in a solution:

I independently searched for advanced training and next-level support to nurture and grow my coaching skills and businesses on a continuous basis. I found myself paying higher and higher prices to get the level of coaching and support I needed and nothing was really moving the needle, so when I finally found a this solid solution...

You know what they say;

"If you can't find it, build it yourself!"

Welcome to...

The exact step-by-step guide to integrate EFT Tapping into your coaching practice so you get AMAZING RESULTS for yourself and your clients in as little as 30 DAYS.

Skyrocket your coaching practice with a quick and easy-to-use healing modality. Become a sought-after expert who shows up authentically, creates a healing environment, and sells powerful transformations with confidence and ease.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!

Let Me Introduce You To The Most Impactful Tool You

Can Add To Your Coaching Toolbox:

When you join...

You get everything you need to learn EFT and start Tapping with your clients in as little as 30 DAYS. You will build your reputation as the go-to expert in your niche and become a fully booked online coach faster than you think.

You’ll get access to:

Let Me Introduce You To The Most Impactful Tool You Can Add To Your Coaching Toolbox:

When you join...

You get everything you need to learn EFT and start Tapping with your clients in as little as 30 DAYS. You will build your reputation as the go-to expert in your niche and become a fully booked online coach faster than you think.

You’ll get access to:

Complete Training with EVERYTHING you need to know to heal yourself and your clients using EFT.

Complete Training with EVERYTHING you need to know to heal yourself and your clients using EFT.

EFT Tapping scripts that we use to help our clients heal.

​An ever-growing resource library with scripts, workbooks, templates, and a proven business-building framework.

​Access to the Inner Circle private community with feedback from other powerful coaches.

Connect with fellow coaches for accountability, connection, support, and practice sessions.

​Personalized feedback on your client sessions, personal healing, and business-building strategy.

2 Monthly Live Coaching and Q&A Sessions

​New templates, planners, and tools to enhance your practice.

Modules that provide you with step-by-step healing & growth strategies for you and your clients.

EFT Tapping scripts that we use to help our clients heal.

​An ever-growing resource library with scripts, workbooks, templates, and a proven business-building framework.

​Access to the Inner Circle private community with feedback from other powerful coaches.

Connect with fellow coaches for accountability, connection, support, and practice sessions.

​Personalized feedback on your client sessions, personal healing, and business-building strategy.

2 Monthly Live Coaching and Q&A Sessions

​New templates, planners, and tools to enhance your practice.

Modules that provide you with step-by-step healing & growth strategies for you and your clients.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!

Phase 1

Mastering the Fundamentals of

EFT Tapping

EFT Essentials: Discover the fundamentals of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and understand why it's so effective in healing your clients.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Easily master the EFT tapping points and process with a detailed breakdown of each element.

Variations in Practice: Learn through demonstrations of different EFT session styles to enhance your adaptability and versatility.

Session Setup and Delivery: Acquire the skills to set up and conduct impactful EFT sessions, integrating tapping into your practice right from the start.

Custom Tapping Processes: Design personalized EFT strategies tailored specifically to meet your clients' unique needs.

Practical Experience: Gain hands-on experience by trading sessions within our supportive community, and practicing on family, friends, or clients.

Client Communication: Learn how to effectively explain EFT to your clients, boosting their confidence in the benefits of working with you.

Foundational Mastery: Establish a solid foundation in EFT to enhance powerful transformations during each client session.

Advanced Integration: Prepare to combine EFT with advanced coaching techniques that have proven successful.

Constructive Feedback: Receive valuable feedback on your EFT sessions from experienced coaches and EFT practitioners to refine your skills.

Real-World Insights: Review notes from actual client sessions to see how seasoned coaches manage powerful EFT sessions in real-time.

Phase 1

Mastering the Fundamentals of

EFT Tapping

EFT Essentials: Discover the fundamentals of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and understand why it's so effective in healing your clients.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Easily master the EFT tapping points and process with a detailed breakdown of each element.

Variations in Practice: Learn through demonstrations of different EFT session styles to enhance your adaptability and versatility.

Session Setup and Delivery: Acquire the skills to set up and conduct impactful EFT sessions, integrating tapping into your practice right from the start.

Custom Tapping Processes: Design personalized EFT strategies tailored specifically to meet your clients' unique needs.

Practical Experience: Gain hands-on experience by trading sessions within our supportive community, and practicing on family, friends, or clients.

Client Communication: Learn how to effectively explain EFT to your clients, boosting their confidence in the benefits of working with you.

Foundational Mastery: Establish a solid foundation in EFT to enhance powerful transformations during each client session.

Advanced Integration: Prepare to combine EFT with advanced coaching techniques that have proven successful.

Constructive Feedback: Receive valuable feedback on your EFT sessions from experienced coaches and EFT practitioners to refine your skills.

Real-World Insights: Review notes from actual client sessions to see how seasoned coaches manage powerful EFT sessions in real-time.

Phase 2

Advanced Coaching

Unlocking Success: Learn to identify and navigate the barriers to success for both coach and client, opening pathways to lasting transformations.

Proven Success Maps: Master step-by-step strategies for:

  • Powerful Coaching Sessions: Guide clients from their current state to their desired selves with a proven process.

  • Dynamic Group Sessions: Enhance group dynamics and collective progress with tailored success maps.

  • Effective 1:1 Sessions: Optimize individual client growth with personalized coaching blueprints.

The Coach’s Journey: Discover and overcome your own resistance to emerge as a more potent force, fully equipped to handle whatever your clients (or life) throws at you.

Comprehensive Preparedness: Equip yourself to handle any challenge from clients or life with confidence and agility.

Core Techniques and Tools:

  • Clearing Client Blocks: Techniques to identify and overcome client resistances effectively.

  • Layers & Aspects: Delve into the complexities of personal challenges for profound shifts.

  • Facilitating Deeper Healing: Foster deeper emotional and psychological healing.

  • Expectation Management: Learn strategies for setting and managing client expectations for a smoother coaching journey.

  • Transformative Journaling: Utilize powerful journaling techniques for lasting change and self-reflection.

  • Holding Healing Spaces: Techniques for maintaining a supportive and therapeutic environment.

  • Recognizing Healing Shifts: Skills to identify and reinforce positive changes and breakthroughs in clients.

  • Identifying Core Beliefs and Limiting Thoughts: Tools to help clients recognize and transform limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Phase 2

Advanced Coaching

Unlocking Success: Learn to identify and navigate the barriers to success for both coach and client, opening pathways to lasting transformations.

Unlocking Success: Learn to identify and navigate the barriers to success for both coach and client, opening pathways to lasting transformations.

Proven Success Maps: Master step-by-step strategies for:

  • Powerful Coaching Sessions: Guide clients from their current state to their desired selves with a proven process.

  • Dynamic Group Sessions: Enhance group dynamics and collective progress with tailored success maps.

  • Effective 1:1 Sessions: Optimize individual client growth with personalized coaching blueprints.

The Coach’s Journey: Discover and overcome your own resistance to emerge as a more potent force, fully equipped to handle whatever your clients (or life) throws at you.

Comprehensive Preparedness: Equip yourself to handle any challenge from clients or life with confidence and agility.

Core Techniques and Tools:

  • Clearing Client Blocks: Techniques to identify and overcome client resistances effectively.

  • Layers & Aspects: Delve into the complexities of personal challenges for profound shifts.

  • Facilitating Deeper Healing: Foster deeper emotional and psychological healing.

  • Expectation Management: Learn strategies for setting and managing client expectations for a smoother coaching journey.

  • Transformative Journaling: Utilize powerful journaling techniques for lasting change and self-reflection.

  • Holding Healing Spaces: Techniques for maintaining a supportive and therapeutic environment.

  • Recognizing Healing Shifts: Skills to identify and reinforce positive changes and breakthroughs in clients.

  • Identifying Core Beliefs and Limiting Thoughts: Tools to help clients recognize and transform limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Phase 3

The Coach's Energy


Skill Enhancement and Confidence Building: Experiencing your own transformation will Unleash Your Own Inner Power and elevate client outcomes as you increase confidence in Tapping.

Overcome Money Blocks: Clear deep-seated inner resistance and unlock your potential to earn more and create wealth.

Wealth Creation Breakthrough: Experience transformative shifts in how you earn and manifest abundance by tapping into emotional freedom.

Liberation from Money Limitations: Free yourself from limiting beliefs about money to embrace a life of unlimited abundance on your terms.

Clearing Money Trauma: Uncover the real reasons behind money blocks linked to subconscious programming and break through the inner ceiling that holds you back from realizing true financial freedom.

Attraction of True Wealth: Align your worth with the wealth you attract and deserve.

Release Financial Stress: Learn to manage daily financial pressures for a more relaxed and affluent life.

Supporting Loved Ones: Gain the financial capability to alleviate the financial burdens of those you care about.

Personal Financial Enjoyment: Secure the means to indulge and treat yourself as you deserve.

Clearing Trauma: Follow a step-by-step process to remove trauma, fostering success and ease in your heart-driven business.

Elevating Self-Esteem: Implement a framework to recognize your true worth and confidently appreciate your value without over-delivering or undercharging.

Embracing Greatness: Gain the confidence to reveal your true self, move past perfectionism, and stop hiding your capabilities.

Fear Release and Peace of Mind: Learn to identify and let go of fears, replacing stress and desperation with peace, connection, and trust in your business growth.

Limiting Beliefs and Conditioning: Discover and overcome conditioning that restricts your vision, transforming your life’s aspirations from distant dreams to inevitable realities.

Phase 3

The Coach's Energy


Skill Enhancement and Confidence Building: Experiencing your own transformation will Unleash Your Own Inner Power and elevate client outcomes as you increase confidence in Tapping.

Overcome Money Blocks: Clear deep-seated inner resistance and unlock your potential to earn more and create wealth.

Wealth Creation Breakthrough: Experience transformative shifts in how you earn and manifest abundance by tapping into emotional freedom.

Liberation from Money Limitations: Free yourself from limiting beliefs about money to embrace a life of unlimited abundance on your terms.

Clearing Money Trauma: Uncover the real reasons behind money blocks linked to subconscious programming and break through the inner ceiling that holds you back from realizing true financial freedom.

Attraction of True Wealth: Align your worth with the wealth you attract and deserve.

Release Financial Stress: Learn to manage daily financial pressures for a more relaxed and affluent life.

Supporting Loved Ones: Gain the financial capability to alleviate the financial burdens of those you care about.

Personal Financial Enjoyment: Secure the means to indulge and treat yourself as you deserve.

Clearing Trauma: Follow a step-by-step process to remove trauma, fostering success and ease in your heart-driven business.

Elevating Self-Esteem: Implement a framework to recognize your true worth and confidently appreciate your value without over-delivering or undercharging.

Embracing Greatness: Gain the confidence to reveal your true self, move past perfectionism, and stop hiding your capabilities.

Fear Release and Peace of Mind: Learn to identify and let go of fears, replacing stress and desperation with peace, connection, and trust in your business growth.

Limiting Beliefs and Conditioning: Discover and overcome conditioning that restricts your vision, transforming your life’s aspirations from distant dreams to inevitable realities.

Phase 4

Business Alignment Phase

Complete Business Toolkit: Equip yourself with all the tools necessary to build, grow, and scale a thriving coaching practice.

Automated Client Attraction: Implement a fully automated system to efficiently convert leads into loyal customers, eliminating the hassle of manual follow-ups.

Advanced CRM Capabilities: Manage all aspects of client relationships, from scheduling and proposals to invoicing and financial transactions, with an integrated CRM system.

Customizable Digital Assets: Gain access to a wide range of customizable web and marketing resources, including website templates, checkout systems, and member portals designed to engage your ideal clients effortlessly.

Ready-to-Launch Marketing Campaigns: Leverage done-for-you marketing campaigns and one-click sales funnels that require no prior tech knowledge, perfect for those unfamiliar with digital marketing tools.

24/7 Support: Receive round-the-clock technical and strategic support from dedicated professionals who are invested in your success.

Seamless Scheduling: Utilize an automated calendar system that allows prospects and clients to effortlessly schedule appointments with you online.

Course & Membership Platform: Easily create and manage a professional portal to host and sell your courses or memberships, enhancing your educational offerings.

Community Building Features: Develop vibrant online communities to support and enrich your online programs, courses, and memberships, fostering a sense of belonging among participants.

Phase 4

Business Alignment Phase

Complete Business Toolkit: Equip yourself with all the tools necessary to build, grow, and scale a thriving coaching practice.

Automated Client Attraction: Implement a fully automated system to efficiently convert leads into loyal customers, eliminating the hassle of manual follow-ups.

Advanced CRM Capabilities: Manage all aspects of client relationships, from scheduling and proposals to invoicing and financial transactions, with an integrated CRM system.

Customizable Digital Assets: Gain access to a wide range of customizable web and marketing resources, including website templates, checkout systems, and member portals designed to engage your ideal clients effortlessly.

Ready-to-Launch Marketing Campaigns: Leverage done-for-you marketing campaigns and one-click sales funnels that require no prior tech knowledge, perfect for those unfamiliar with digital marketing tools.

24/7 Support: Receive round-the-clock technical and strategic support from dedicated professionals who are invested in your success.

Seamless Scheduling: Utilize an automated calendar system that allows prospects and clients to effortlessly schedule appointments with you online.

Course & Membership Platform: Easily create and manage a professional portal to host and sell your courses or memberships, enhancing your educational offerings.

Community Building Features: Develop vibrant online communities to support and enrich your online programs, courses, and memberships, fostering a sense of belonging among participants.

PLUS $1964 Value of Amazing BONUSES!

This coach had her first $20k month

after adding EFT to her coaching business!!!

I am so convinced of the methods and tools shared in The Tapping Academy because they have helped to completely change my life and create the business of my dreams, and I can now serve clients at a very high level.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!

I have a question for you...

If adding The Tapping Academy allows you to upsell just one more coaching session or increase your prices by just 10% will you be in profit mode in the next 30 days?

Imagine how you’ll feel when the success stories come pouring in from raving clients who are recommending you to their friends and family.

Your own confidence will be boosted when you integrate this proven tool into your coaching business and get POWERFUL results for you and your clients!

I love celebrating our client wins…

But I love celebrating my client’s clients’ wins more because that's when I know I’m creating a ripple effect.

Do you think adding a stress reduction tool to your practice can help you get greater client results?

Do you think reducing just 50% of your own procrastination, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in your business will help you positively move forward and earn more?

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!

The Tapping Academy is for


The online coach who wants to add a proven tool - EFT Tapping to help take their clients further and deeper to get much faster results.


The online coach who wants to add a proven tool - EFT Tapping to help take their clients further and deeper to get much faster results.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered in for a lifetime!

Join The Tapping Academy For Coaches!

You won’t need another certification or spend thousands of dollars to help your clients heal their core issues. Shifting your energy from limiting beliefs and adding this powerful tool will help you become a sought-after coach with a community of raving fans.

“EFT has really changed a lot of things for me. It's actually the best thing that I ever got that I had no idea that I needed. EFT has changed the way that I process stress. Sometimes in the midst of a crisis, I would feel as if I couldn't figure out what to do with myself. I couldn't figure out what to do with that flight or fight feeling I was feeling inside of me and aside from just doing some deep breathing, I didn't have another technique to use, and EFT has really given me an ability to have something else, something quick, something I can go to right away. I've learned how to really access the story behind the stress because it's the story behind the stress that really matter.”


I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered in for a lifetime!

If you’re asking yourself…

“I already know Tapping and bought so many other programs that didn’t help me…

Why do I need The EFT Tapping Academy For Coaches?”

Then let me tell you this:

This is nothing like other programs you’ve bought before.

​This will help you to flip the energy switch from chasing clients to being chosen by them.

​This will allow you to have the accountability, practice, feedback, and support to become an even better coach who creates outstanding results for your clients.

​This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge; it also gives you done-for-you templates, scripts, and worksheets that you can use instantly in your business.

​You aren’t in this alone anymore. Join a supportive community of amazing coaches who are on the same healing journey.

​There is no risk (14-day money-back guarantee, and you can cancel anytime).

​This costs less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks a few times a week, but other than the coffee, it has the potential to change your whole life, bringing your business from desperation and neediness to confidence and abundance.

Plus, you'll be back by our 14-day no-questions-asked guarantee. We know this method will help you level up your coaching, receive more clients, and attract more to your business. We know that when you join the program, put in the work, learn the process, and apply it in your practice, you will be able to create excellent results for your clients and yourself. But, if, for any reason, within 14 days, you are not satisfied or you determine this is not the right fit for you, email us, and we'll process a refund in full.

If you’re asking yourself…

“I already know Tapping and bought so many other programs that didn’t help me…

Why do I need The EFT Tapping Academy For Coaches?”

Then let me tell you this:

This is nothing like other programs you’ve bought before.

​This will help you to flip the energy switch from chasing clients to being chosen by them.

​This will allow you to have the accountability, practice, feedback, and support to become an even better coach who creates outstanding results for your clients.

​This doesn’t only give you theory and knowledge; it also gives you done-for-you templates, scripts, and worksheets that you can use instantly in your business.

​You aren’t in this alone anymore. Join a supportive community of amazing coaches who are on the same healing journey.

​There is no risk (14-day money-back guarantee, and you can cancel anytime).

​This costs less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks a few times a week, but other than the coffee, it has the potential to change your whole life, bringing your business from desperation and neediness to confidence and abundance.

Plus, you'll be back by our 14-day no-questions-asked guarantee. We know this method will help you level up your coaching, receive more clients, and attract more to your business. We know that when you join the program, put in the work, learn the process, and apply it in your practice, you will be able to create excellent results for your clients and yourself. But, if, for any reason, within 14 days, you are not satisfied or you determine this is not the right fit for you, email us, and we'll process a refund in full.

I stand by the things I share with you in the Tapping Academy because they made me a Highly skilled, Intuitive Master Coach…and I want the same for you!

Go from being doubtful about your skills and feeling fear ➤➤➤

to being crystal clear about the transformation process and the journey you take your clients on.

Stop trying different “guessing” methods that are uncertain, time-consuming, complicated, or simply don’t work anymore and ➤➤➤

have a simple, clear strategy that you can (if that’s what you want) speed up with results-based transformation.

Stop fighting alone ➤➤➤

get support, feedback, accountability, networking, and practice opportunities in our amazing members-only community.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am a new coach, and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: This works especially well for new or confused coaches. Much of the training will also teach you the foundational core techniques you need to be a powerful coach.

Q: I've been coaching for a while. Do you think I will still find value?

A: Yes, The Tapping Academy will provide you with resources, templates, a community, support, networking, accountability, and opportunities that will help you to get your coaching business to the next level. You’ll be better equipt to implement what you already know.

Q: Can I wait and join next month?

A: Yes, of course. You can wait, but the price might increase. Maybe, maybe not. Either way, my friend, we will welcome you when ready.

Q: How much support is included?

A: We aim to respond to all members within 24 hours, Monday through Friday. We also meet via Zoom weekly to answer your questions and guide you through whatever you need support.

Q: Does this only work for certain types of coaches?

A: No, this works for all coaches, consultants, and therapists who want to help their clients experience powerful transformation. We have also found that massage therapists, acupuncturists, and estheticians have great success adding EFT Tapping to their practice.

Q: I don't have confidence in myself. Do you think this will still work for me since I tend to start and stop programs?

A: YES! The Tapping Academy helps you to build your confidence. You will begin to have and celebrate your small wins from day 1. Although these results have been proven repeatedly, you will not get results if you don’t do the work. If you follow the steps, YOU WILL GET RESULTS!

Q: I don't have a coaching program or offer yet. Will this still work for me?

A: YES! The Academy helps you to craft your signature offers strategically. You will receive business coaching.

Q: I don't have an audience or email list yet. Is that a problem?

A: No, this is one thing that this academy will help you with. You will get the tools and strategies you need to grow a loyal tribe and engaged email list fast. 100% included.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our inner circle group within 12-24 business hours.

Q: Can I cancel the membership?

A: Yes, you can cancel this membership at any time.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes, there is a 14-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. After 14-days there are absolutely no refunds.

I Guarantee This BETA Offer Price Will Not Stay This Low For Long.

You will be grandfathered at this rate for a lifetime!